Aug 27, 2019
The Eastern Lariat Potpourri returns! The big anchor of the Summer Potpourri is this past weekend's Big Japan show that was headlined by the big boy battle between Daisuke Sekimoto and Michael Elgin. STRIGGA & Dylan also discuss the new Strong World Heavyweight Champion and the chances for young guys within Big Japan. A...
Aug 22, 2019
This week on Pure Heart, Pure Lariat we've got a special edition of the show with another interview! I sit down with Pumi Boonyatud, the GM of Gatoh Move in both Thailand and Japan! We talk a bit about the wrestling scene in Thailand and the surprising longtime presence of Joshi wrestling before diving into Gatoh...
Aug 21, 2019
On the eve of the 7th Super J-Cup The Eastern Lariat returns with a review of the 2nd Stage in 1995 that was won by Gedo. Travel back time with STRIGGA & Dylan to relive a magical time in japanese pro-wrestling and a tournament that had a questionable winner, but also many good to great matches and unique characters.
Aug 19, 2019
With Pro Wrestling NOAH's N-1 Victory tournament already underway the Eastern Lariat team got together to pick every single of the remaining matches in the tournament up until September 16 when the final takes place in the big EDION Arena Osaka. Following the Pick'Em STRIGGA & Dylan speculate more about the N-1 Final...
Aug 18, 2019
In this episode originally recorded in 2016 and published on the MLW VIP feed STRIGGA & Dylan reviewed the legendary 1994 SUPER J-CUP right before the 2016 version promoted by NJPW happened. Fast forward 3 years there's another J-CUP on the horizon and in honor of this occasion the Eastern Lariat presents a "Lariat from...