Aug 9, 2023
On the previous episode, STRIGGA had beaten Dylan to the punch on the first night of the N1. So as a make good the first episode of the Patreon N1 coverage is airing for free for everyone and Dylan has recruited his friend Squill, the one behind Wrestling with the Narrative YouTube channel and noted Timothy Thatcher respector to cover the show where the Thatch man main events against the GHC Heavyweight Champion, Jake Lee!
Follow Dylan + the Eastern Lariat on X:
Follow Squill and check out his YT video essays!
And check out for the other nights of the N1 Victory Dylan bringing in multiple special guests to talk Pro Wrestling NOAH's top tier tournament on our Patreon which also supports the show and the thousands of hours put into this wonderful world of Japanese wrestling:
Also listen to our preview and predictions episode for EVERY SINGLE MATCH: